selalunya the best place to ride at nite is at Putrajaya.. tapi jauh sikit lah.. but from my house ada direct highway ke Putrajaya.. so tak ada masalah..

masalahnya , how to bring the bike lah.. so terpaksa masukkan dalam kereta , sebabnya our car tak ada carrier atas kereta tuh.. kalau ada memang tak ada masalah..

so, terpaksalah bukak tyre dulu.. adleast satu lah.. then only can fit in the car.. provided tak ada org lah kat belakang...

those are dificulties faced by cyclist ni.. tapi dah semangat nak mengayuh tuh, tak kisah semua tuh..

gigih tuh..

that's the bike without the fornt tyre... setakat nih belum lagi sekalipun I ikit the nite ride.. iyalah.. nanti boring pulak nak tunggu sejam dua dalam keta.. but might follow jugak one day..

ada afew friends kat Putrajaya.. mungkin boleh lepak while waiting for him to finish...

that's his shoes.. don't aske me the price.. for sure mahal sebab sampai la ni dia tak bgtau the exact price for the bike , shoes etc...
if not sure I;ll say.. mahalnya....!!!!!!!!! and start membebel....
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