Saturday, May 16, 2009

Putrajaya Ride..

Last friday, bangun at 5am.. this is the view from the balcony.. sgtlah malasnya..
tapi utk moral support..bangun jugak..
I've to prepare simple breakfast for myDear.. today another ride with him.
that's the bfast.. half boiled eggs.. roti bakar.. and hot nescafe.. not so hot lah..

today they are going to Putrajaya.. met up at tol there..

this is the average joe & julie.. his fren..

preparing everything before the long ride.. nampaknya adalah dah ter"minat" nampaknya org tu dgn "bike " things ni...
ni minum 100plus orange lah ni kot..

muka dah nampak keletihan.. I'm not sure exactly how far they went.. but sgtlah jauh...

yes.. I did it againlah..

jambatan kat Putrajaya tuh..

letih giler.. I can see form the face.. but he said.. mydear kuat semangat.. nak pengsan pun still kayuh lagi.. he.. he..

Putrajaya akhirnya... since it was a Friday.. so kereta agak byk gak pagi2 kat Putrajaya..

Reach home around 1130am.. sangatlah happynya.. ni his bike.. dia tgah dismantle as something happen he cannot bawak balik the bikes...
oh ya.. btw I didn't follow them.. all the while dia gi cycling ni.. I was at home.. sambung tidor..
he reached home just about I baru bangun daa...

1 comment:

Amiha Ayu said...

activity yang sihat & best..
but.. skrng malaysia adalah super panas laaa... huhuuh...