At last , dia org pun naik tgah2 hujan lebat tuh...

after 2 hours lebih kat bawah sana, at last I saw them back to the shore.. he.. he.. masa ni baru lega..

macam cerita Armaggedon pulak kan.. masa ni cam so proud that he made it.. for the first time.. the DiveMaster cakap myDear sgt laju.. cam excited jer...

the feeling kat bawah tu memang best giler, tak sedar hujan lebat..cuma rasa sejuk lebih sket jer..

time nak salin bau semua.. oh ya... lepas Diving tadi sgtlah dahaganya... berbezaa kalau snorkeling.. atau swimming.. rasa lapar..

tapi , tak puas ar.. nak pergi lagi katanya..

all those stuffs, letak balik at his place lah.. the first trip around RM150 rasanya.. termasuk sewa suit, equipment , and the class session..
dan start dari tuh.. memang tak renti2 myDear cerita yg dia dah syok habis kat Diving.. the experience what u saw kat bawah tu memang best giler...
so, since dah syok gituh.. nampaknya plan2 cuti lepas ni haruslah nak amik Diving course etc....
me?? still thinking..maybe kot..
but thanks a lot to SeaHorse yg memang best & happening giler..
best best
antara xtvt yg akan d cube
bestnyaaaaaaaaaa !!!!
suka sangat diving
syiok !!
bgla tau bil nak pergi next time...
best.. tapi takut..
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