Last week, walaupun busy masih sempat celebrate bday anak sedara myDear.. the girl named Nini..
Small dinner sponsored by Nini's father - Alang - he's my bro in law.. myDear punye abang..
We met at KLCC Chili's.

this is Haikal.. Nini's youngest bro.. ni dia tgah sibuk main game.. he's only 5+++

that's the family , without kak lang she's not in the pic..the other boy in the pix is Hadi, Nini's older brother..
Nini ni sgtlah good girl.. tak mintak apa hadiah pun.. she just requested books for her to read.. so masa nak tunggu the food, Nini & Hadi naik ke Kinokuniya.. cari buku..

Nini with the small Bday cake from Chili's.. terkejut dia masa nih..

Actually I had a very high respect towards them , anak2 Alang ni memang takkan mintak apa2 from any of us.. the uncle & auties ni..

before we left KLCC .. that's me & Nini the bday girl.. to Alang & Kak Lang thanks for the dinner.. sangatlah kenyang..
happy birthday nini! grow up with beauty n brain yeah...
thanks.. on behalf of Nini,,
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