Lepas dah kenyang lunch kat Istana Budaya.. teruslah ke Pavilion.. lately cam dah malas nak ke KLCC sebabnya not only Pavilion has more shops.. parking dia pun selesa sikit.. and KLCC kdg2 pack sangat..

Pavilion is celebrating it's 1st Anniversary.. kejap je kan..

Ada lagi CNY nya decoration..

Golden Ox..

Some of the shops that we went.. Massimo Dutti..

Nice fitting room - Ted Baker..

Nice shirt - Ted Baker..

Dah lepas jalan2 we decided nak pergiminum petang.. so we try Michelangelo's.. Italian Restaurant.. tak lapar sangat, so I decided to makan just cake.. chocolate cake.. & iced chocolate..

Starbucks at the back - No, not going to Starbucks lagi.. :-(

Michelangelo's nice red Sofa.. lepak luar sebab myDear nak smoke..

The Cake.. sedap giler...

and the delicious ever Ice Chocolate..

somebody is trying to make up his mind.. nak neli ke tak nak??
nak shopping ke tak nak??

lepas minus we decided to go back to
Ralph Lauren @ Pavilion.. remember , we already
had the shopping
there, last month.. The whites hirt he's wearing pun yg beli masa tuh..
Tapi , hmm... like I said earlier, myDear jarang shopping, so if he wants something he'll buy..

Masa ni try kali ke dua.. tadi dah datang..

The regular sales person yg attend myDear - I called dia Diva. Diva used to be in One Utama Ralph Lauren boutique before Pavilion opens..

so, dah memang biasa dia serve myDear.. , Diva sgtlah friendly & selalu sabar melayan kerenah myDear..

At last settle.. and pakai terus.. that's my husband lah.. kalau beli satu2 brg.. kalau dah suka dia akan pakai terus..

Happy 1st Bday Pavillion... dah nak balik dah.. sgtlah letih..
by the way I was looking for Nikki's album Hawa kat sini.. nan ado.. aduhh..
wah pi pavillion dah lamai tak pergi...
yatie, sawanila.com
org nak pergi HK kan...
wahh..terus pakai u! jgn lupa cabut price tag :D
selalunya pun dai mcm tu..
mcm budak2..
Oh yeah, I really like Pavillion.
And si Diva tu, macam sesuai pulak you gave that gelaran!
Kak ,
Layanan DIVA memang class tau..
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