Sunday, August 23, 2009

the Long Awaited AKAD Nikah's nite

Aduh.. bercinta nak habiskan cerita wedding nih.. too busy tambah ngan bulan puasa ni.. padahal draft dah lama..

And plus nak tunggu good pix yg dari merata2 camera yg I took from the FB..

Okay, on the 31st July - bersamaan hari Jumaat bertempat kat Bukit Setiawangsa is the Akad Nikah nite of myDear punya Anak Buah - Zarith Aidah.. she's the first cucu dlm keluarga Shukor my FIL dan juga Uncle Lee.. kak Long's father.. Bilik pengantin dah ready... simple all white..
Call time pukul 6pm.. yes siap call time lagi okay.. for us all the commitee to get ready..
So tonite is the BIG Nite.. harap2 semuanya okay.. sesampai jer Kak Sha my sis in law ada kat open kitchen kat belakang.. Kak Sha converted to muslim when she married my bro in law..
"Open Kitchen " operates for the last few days as Coffee Corner or Lunch Corner pada sesiapa yg lapar..Free flow of food - kueh , nasi lauk semua, hot or cold drinks semua disediakan...there's also maid 2 of them gilir2 standby to refill the food etc..
Located kat belakang rumah.. just after the dapur..
Even today's lunch was cook by my mak mentuo.. masak cili api daging a.k.a gulai kuning.. sedap giler..
waiting for Kak Long the mak Pengantin to get ready..

that's Ezy - Kak Long's sis , me , my sis in law Kak Sha & Kak Lang a.k.a Fiza - she's Alang's my dear punye 2nd brother punya wifey..

the cute girl is Alyssa , Kak Sha's daughter..

all the hantaran are all ready for the nite.. the watch.. & wallet
the PS3 & Al Quran for the pengantin lelaki..

the shirt..

Mulberry Bag..

Kak Lily the boss for the bilik pengantin deco & all the golden touch for the hantaran..
She's Kak Long's - my sis in law punya cousin.. that's Kak Long in the brown tudung..
Btw Kak Lily the beautiful lady is Sazzy Falak's mom...

the 4 beautiful girls - Farah - my cousin , Lily , KD , Husna , the 4 bridesmaid.. cum the 3 girls are the best buddy for the bride...they were great frens sejak sekolah lagi..
the beautiful pelamin for the akad nikah.. Sundal Malam tu not only cantik but wangi giler..

kat luar rumah, myDear tgah godekkan the Laptop for the montaj screening tonite..

dry run for the big screen for the nite at the khemah so that org ramai tak serbu dlm rumah..

to make sure semuanya perfect...
table for pengantin lelaki.. 5 tables dah ready..

the Montaj Screening - prepared by Kak Long.. sweet sanagt , about the photos & the journey of life for the Pengantin starting from both of them were babies...

both of us dah ready to welcome the Pihak Lelaki.. at this time my bro in Law Bang Tam- Kak Sha's hubby dah pergi tunggu pengantin lelaki & the rombongan at Masjid..
the Purple Batik from Gaya Warisan - tailored by Sheens Collection.. sedap giler pakai dia.. thanks dik..

all the beautiful girls dah ready to wait for the hantaran dulang ..

now the lelaki side , the guys are bringing all the hantaran.. and all the guys are the best buddy for the groom sweet kan..

the beautiful mas kahwin
Make up set by Elizabeth Arden..
the bakal besan - Datok Nik the very humble down to earth man.. and with m\Along my bro in law in yellow..
Along my bro in law yg nikahkan sendiri ...

Kak Long .. nervous...
alhaamdulillah semuanya selamat...
the young couple.. both of them just finish their Law degree & will further their study after all the wedding thingy..

everybody waiting patiently...
see the long hair guy form the back ? that was Jay Jay the singer.. dia is one of the uncle of Pengantin Lelaki..

my Dear and Nini.. my bro in law's girl.. she's Alang's daughter.. she's 11th and studying in Chinese School..

waiting for akad nikah to finish... lepak at the khemah..

the food for the nite... sedap giler.. gulai daging salai kuning.. org Rembau just can't live with that...ayam rempah , ikan bakar etc...

bunga api just after the akad nikah selesai dan juga sessi membatal air sembahyang selesai..
and just when the couple caoming out for dinner..

all the hantaran..

alhamdulillah, Zarith Aidah & Nik Izrin Thani is the newly wed couple...

KD & Luq the best buddy for the couple tgah recap some memories with the pengantin...
Luq is best buddy ngan Izrin the groom sejak kecik lagi..

Along & Kak Long also with some impromtu speech..

Alang the MC a.k.a Floor Manager for the nite & Kak Lang , my lovely in laws tgah gelakkan my Along was in front also saying something for groom masa first time he met the menantu..
next to Alang holding the flowers that is Zurie my sis in law.. she came back for the wedding & raya.. she's staying in US.. Zurie is the youngest & the one & only sister in myDear's siblings..

the guests.. mostly very close relatives & family frens..

the pengantin , masa berinai kecil merenjis camtu..

Jay Jay the uncle with all the papparazi.. Zurie is the pengapit.. she'll be in Malaysia for 3 months...
Welcome Izrin to our family :)

after semuanya selesai , all of us the realtives cum commitee ada short briefing to remind bout esok.. which is another big day..
that's Nini my anak buah & my father in law Hj Shukor...

the floor manager doing the briefing, assisted by myDear..

semuanya dah flat .. letih giler...

and Nini was really sleepy..

the bilik pengantin at nite.. so cosy..

more hantaran frm the pihak lelaki..

the camera..

hantaran dari pihak lelaki..
was kept at a small room next to the bilik pengantin..

semuanya habis around 1am.. everybody has to get good rest.. esok call time before 9am...
the house before we left full with flowers & lights.. best giler..
Alhamdulillah semuanya selesai...